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Key features of our sustainable operations

  • Commitment to quality
  • Flexibility and dynamism
  • Direct professional management
  • Highly qualified professionals
  • Monitoring technological changes in the market
  • Environmentally conscious conduct
  • Economic stability
  • Reliability
Key features of our sustainable operations
választó vonal

ESG Social Responsibility

ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) is also making its way into the life of our company under the umbrella of sustainability and social responsibility. Our company is committed to doing business not only from an economic perspective, but also in a sustainable way that respects our employees, the environment and society. Sustainability and creating social value are at the heart of our activities. In addition to profit, the environmental impact is becoming an increasingly important factor influencing our company's decisions. We have defined our sustainability strategy and the directions and principles that will guide it.



The construction industry has a significant impact on the environment, for example in terms of resource use, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and waste management. We are committed to sustainable architecture. Our environmental goal is to save energy, to take a preventive approach to waste management and to increase the proportion of recycled waste. We aim to minimise the amount of hazardous waste generated.



This means ensuring safe working conditions, equal opportunities, cooperation with local communities and supporting the local economy. We provide support in areas that are important to us, such as sports, healthy lifestyles and culture, as far as we can. We provide our staff with a range of extra benefits to help them relax and achieve their personal goals.



Transparency, responsible decision-making and sustainability guidelines are part of our strategy. We aim to contribute to reducing the ecological footprint of the construction industry. This requires energy-efficient buildings, the use of recycled materials and the application of energy-saving technologies. Instead of quantity, we support quality and the respect and protection of natural values. We are constantly seeking for new opportunities, developing our equipment and introduce innovative processes in order to have the smallest possible ecological footprint.


ESG Strategy

We arrived to the decision by 2022 to conclude the foundations of our business strategy along which we have been operating in a uniform ESG report clearly presenting our sustainability goals and initiatives and make these transparent for everyone. This is how our first report was prepared in which the current situation is drawn up on the one hand and our medium- and long-term objectives and initiatives are formulated on the other for an even greener and more conscious operation because we know that we are at the beginning of the way but we aim to improve year by year.

Our plan until 2030 identifies clear objectives for our sustainable development. We aim to create value together with our related stakeholders let them be our colleagues, clients, suppliers, cooperating partners or any member of our society. In addition to all this we find it important to not only do our jobs but stepping over the minimum requirements of providing information and relating to regulations, we also communicate these actively.

Foundations of our ESG Strategy

Environmental aspect

Decreasing environmental load:

  • Measurement of Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions every year and implementation of energy efficiency measures and developments to reduce it, e.g. heat pump, solar panel.
  • 10% reduction of direct and indirect (Scope 1 and Scope 2) nominal CO2 emission by 2030 compared to the 2020 level.
  • Gradual replacement of the car fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles where the use allows for it.
  • Using submeters for electricity consumption at the construction project sites; analysis of the measured values and implementation of measures even towards subcontractors to minimise electricity consumption.

Conscious waste management:

  • increasing the amount of selected waste year by year within waste production, thus improving recycling rates.

Social aspect

Taking efforts to have no accidents at the project sites.

Development of employee trainings, e.g. management training, competency development, language courses.

Improving BIM skills within the organisation.

Improving the well-being of workers, and work-life balance.

Introducing a performance assessment system.

Improving training cooperations (at medium and higher level):

  • Facilitating medium level dual training cooperation.
  • Developing university level dual cooperation.

Corporate management aspect

Establishing a dedicated ESG manager / committee within the organisation

Extending the supplier and subcontractor qualification system based on ESG aspects (e.g. energy efficiency, waste management)

Sensitivity training for partners along the aspects of sustainability:

  • related to clients: offering “more expensive” but greener alternative solutions
  • related to subcontractors: e.g. use of more sustainable technologies, and more energy-conscious work

Constantly maintaining client satisfaction

Continuous external communication about results achieved

  • annually published sustainability report

ESG approach

Commitment to quality

Flexibility and dynamism

Direct professional management

Highly qualified professionals

Monitoring technological changes in the market

Environmentally conscious conduct

Economic stability


ESG report
